It’s Mine To Choose
It’s Friday evening and my last client just left. I head toward the door. I’ve been on my feet all day, my stomach is growling and there is a glass of wine with my name on it in the near future. The very NEAR future!
Then I stop at the door, because I just remembered that I haven’t done my workout today.
Today, I’ve designed and implemented personalized strength programs for each of my clients. Today, I’ve motivated, energized (I hope!) and entertained each client while making sure each of them had a safe, effective and enjoyable workout. Today, I’ve kept in mind specific and individual injuries and limitations for each client. Today, I’ve spent time in the gym cleaning. Today, I spent my spare time cleaning in my house. Today, I’ve hardly sat down.
Sigh. A big decision is at hand.
No one’s around. No workout partner. No other gym members, no one to pass the time with while working out, chit-chatting even as we each do our own workout. No buzz of a commercial gym to feed off of. No trainer to motivate me. Just me.
Sigh. It would be so easy to pour that glass of wine and sink into the couch.
Fine!! I’ll just do it!!
First, I put on my go-to work out music, heavy metal. It rarely fails to inject some energy into me. Then, I take a quick inventory of where I am at in my workouts during this week and what I need to focus on. Finally, I get going.
Still grumpy.
And then a funny thing happens, as it has thousands of times before in my workouts. I start to feel really good. Motivated. Energized! As hard as it is, and as I feel my muscles fatiguing as I go through my sets and reps, my growling stomach recedes and I forget about that glass of wine.
And when I am done, I feel good. Really good! Glad I did it. Like I tell my clients, no matter what the weather is, their mood, energy level, or any other circumstance—mental or physical—they will walk out of a session with me feeling better then when they came in. And I would never take all the credit for that, because they are showing up and expending the effort to workout. However, I do know that it means I am doing my job as a professional.
And no matter how hard it is to get started, I also feel better at the end of my workout then I did when I started.
When I stood at that gym door, I had a choice. I could cave in to temporary cravings…..or I could get tough with myself.
I chose to get it done.
It’s mine to choose.
Previously published on My Edmonds News