• Grief & Loss,  Health,  Self Care

    New Year’s Note by Coach Dan Potts

    Hi guys- Just a final note on the year. I’ve never been a big fan of New Years resolutions, but I do like reflecting at this time of year and having those honest conversations with ourselves. It’s our chance to begin anew and let the mistakes of the previous year fall away. Ultimately this thing called life is our chance to grow, Mentally, Physically, Spiritually. It’s the reason we exist, and part of that existence is our travel in and through our challenges, trials, pain, and conquering our fears. It’s a joyous process, but one that has a better chance of success if we indeed are aware of it. So,…

  • Fitness,  Health,  Self Care

    There Is No Finish Line

    “Beating the competition is relatively easy. But beating yourself is a never ending commitment.”—Nike, There Is No Finish Line ad copy Since the moment I saw this image, from Nike’s “There Is No Finish Line” ad campaign, I was inspired. Everything about it was—is–me. When I first laid eyes on it, in college, I was weightlifting with equipment that looked a lot like that, in a room that looked a lot like that, and wearing outfits that looked a lot like what the model is wearing. I fully admit to wearing those tall socks too (which I only figured out many years later were highly unflattering on me!) Most importantly,…

  • Grief & Loss,  Self Care

    A New Year’s Note

    There’s a collective energy in the air at this time of year. Wafting all around us are feelings of freshness, motivation, potential for change, new opportunities, and chances to make ourselves and our lives better, promoted and perpetuated by newspapers, magazines, books, social media, our friends and family, and of course, ourselves. I’m a sucker for it, as I think most of us are. I love starting fresh in the New Year! Usually, we fall back on New Year’s resolutions which don’t tend to lead to lasting change (to which I can definitely attest.) In fact, nine years ago in my very first column for My Edmonds News, I suggested…

  • Home,  Self Care

    Appreciation Through Absence

    When I was growing up, all I ever wanted was a pool. I was obsessed with pools. The most exciting thing in the world for me was when my grandmother would come to visit from England and stay at a hotel with a pool. My sister and I would be in that pool all day every day, no exaggeration. Despite growing up in San Diego, none of our neighborhood friends had a pool. Right now you’re thinking, San Diego? What about the beach? Nope, no comparison to a pool, my ten-year old self is saying! There was one exception, however, and it was a big one. Bill Walton (the basketball…

  • Fitness,  Health,  Nutrition,  Self Care

    How do you want to show up for your future self?

    This has been an unprecedented and overwhelming year. Even as we move into winter, Covid is not letting up. Our lives have been compromised by the significant consequences of this pandemic and we all feel the cumulative and collective stress and worry. We’ve figured out various ways to cope this year, and with good reason to do so; if a pandemic doesn’t give us license to do whatever we have to do to keep our chin above water to get through this, then nothing does! Consider what habits you have leaned into this year as a survival mechanism. Are you overeating? Drinking too much or too often? Not exercising enough…

  • Health,  Nutrition,  Self Care

    Back to Basics with the Whole 30 Diet

    For those of us looking to meet our health and fitness goals there are many eating plans from which to choose. Take your pick! Paleo, Vegan, Mediterranean, Whole30, DASH, Raw, Keto . . . to name just a few. Each plan comes with its own set of promises of what you will accomplish through it . . . and plenty of limitations and restrictions. One factor that everyone can agree on, however, is that it is beneficial to eat more fruits and vegetables. (However, the quantity and type of fruit and vegetable is still up for much debate depending on the diet.) With our busy lives, it is far too…

  • Fitness,  Health,  Self Care

    When Indoor Cycling Becomes A Community

    Years ago, I heard a reverend say to her parishioners, “If you can’t find the faith you need then you can borrow it from me.” Similarly, in my role as a strength coach and trainer, I provided energy and motivation to my clients that they may not have been able to find within themselves 100% of the time. But last year, as I struggled to make sense of my new life after relocating to Texas, I wondered who—or what—would provide me with the motivation that I was unable to find anywhere within myself. Isolated in a new location, limited by an ongoing painful foot treatment that prevented me from walking,…

  • Fitness,  Health,  Self Care

    How One Minute of Daily Breathing Changed My Life

    One year ago, on the fourth anniversary of my late husband’s death, I huddled in bed to stay warm, utterly alone, defeated, and hopeless. It was 20-degrees outside and the furnace was broken, my husband Eric was out of town and the pain from my foot treatment was opioid-level agony. I knew I had to do something. I was struggling. Just a few months earlier, we relocated to Dallas for my new husband’s work and the opportunity for the future that it presented. Although exciting, I was devastated to leave Edmonds and the community I had built up after many years, not to mention my business, my loyal client base…

  • Fitness,  Health,  Self Care

    Finding Your Perfect Personal Trainer

    These days there are endless opportunities to work with a personal trainer! Small independent studios, large commercial gyms, specialty studios, trainers that come to your home, trainers that train out of their homes, to name just some of your options. But with so many options, how do you find the trainer that is right for YOU? We each come with our own set of physical limitations, injuries, fitness goals, etc. So it’s going to be on you to find the right trainer, but what do you look for when you decide you want to start training with someone? Here are a few ideas to help narrow it down. Referrals: Talk…

  • Health,  Home,  Love,  Self Care

    A Simple Thank You

    Has this ever happened to you? You: Oh I love your dress, it looks so good on you! Them: It’s just this old thing I haven’t worn in years Or this: You: Your hair looks great today! Them: Well I really need to get a haircut Or in my case: Me: That workout outfit is so flattering! Client: Ugh I hate my belly I’ve been noticing this type of thing a lot lately. And I don’t like it! It seems to be widespread, the way that we can so easily deflect a compliment, or downgrade a positive comment directed toward us by responding with a negative. Why do we have…