About Advanced Athlete
Coach Dan Potts created Advanced Athlete in the early-1990s to address a need he saw in the (almost non-existent) field of sports-specific athletic development at the time. He created developmental training programs for athletes that are a culmination of over 20 years of athletic training and preparation for the bio-mechanical and structural needs of the new age.
From the original website:
Understanding the need for strength, speed, and power is essential for today’s athlete, and Advanced Athlete has developed unique training programs for building and transferring these key elements to the field of play. Functional and transferable dexterity is the number ONE priority for developing a successful program of movement, and Advanced Athlete is committed to that vision.
Advanced Athlete’s mission is to provide the most advanced speed, strength and conditioning philosophies and training for athletes of all disciplines and levels, from youth (age 8+) through professional. Our only prerequisite is the desire and commitment to reach beyond your potential.
We understand that time is of the essence, and athletics are more competitive than ever. That is why we take pride in offering both personal and team instruction and attention to the smallest details in a challenging, but positive and encouraging environment. Not only will Advanced Athlete improve your athletic performance, we also focus on instilling confidence and an overall sense of well-being that carries over to everyday life.
Parent/Athlete Consultation
Prior to any training, each athlete and their parent(s) will meet with us in order to identify a common training goal. These consultations not only identify goals, but help the athlete understand our methodology and philosophy. It is important at this time for everyone to be on the same page, with the same end result in mind. There is no charge for this consultation.
Individual/Semi-Private Training
The majority of our athletes choose this particular avenue of work. In this setting we are not only able to identify the individual’s goals, but also have the ability to monitor step by step progress due to the hands-on type of training and communication we deliver. In this format we are able to saturate the level of training for each athlete and reach our strength goals more efficiently.
Team Training
This is an excellent way for teams to build a foundation of core conditioning and team camaraderie. We have been working with teams longer than anyone in the Northwest and we have developed a system that will allow your athletes to make tremendous changes while they stay together in a team environment. The teams sessions are fast paced and require the concentration and commitment of all who attend.
Speed and Agility Sessions
Multiple times per year we advertise and offer Speed/Agility sessions that usually run 4-6 weeks. These programs give the participants a tremendous opportunity to increase agility and foot speed in a very short period of time. If you have a team and would like us to create a multiple-week session just for you, give us a call today.
Life Coaching Sessions (for Athletes & Parents)
For over thirty years Coach Potts has worked with thousands of athletes and non-athletes alike in their quest to succeed, for the chance to become something they have dreamed of. In those years he has developed the ability to weave the Mental side of training in with the Physical and Organizational sides to form the complete package of Body, Mind and Spirit beneficial for each individual. Coach Potts’ unique approach helps each athlete recognize and utilize the necessary tools to make the best possible choices for success in academics and athletics. Parents can also benefit from this program.
Nutritional Counseling
We offer Advanced Nutritional Counseling for families who are struggling with this all important puzzle piece. Let’s face it, all of the training, practicing, skill development in the world will have little effect if your nutritional package is what has become commonplace for most Americans. We are in a nutritional crisis in this country, and the more you can learn about what fuels your body, the more empowered you can become.
Jeff Thomas, Parent:
“Pritam, I want to thank you and Dan so much for your help with both kids last fall, they had great springs. Our daughter went 15-4 as the number one varsity pitcher for Holy Names, her team won their league championship, finished second in Districts, and went to the State Tournament. Our son led his Little League team in home runs and was elected to the 12 year old All Star team as an 11 year old. As Dan predicted, though, the long seasons have taken their toll on their physical conditioning in general. Can’t wait to get them going again.”
Brian O’Connor, Parent:
“Thanks, Dan, it’s good to hear that you have a vision for Kellen. Kellen really respects you and actually enjoys working hard. He knows it’s good for him. But I didn’t think he had a vision of where he was going. He really is a different player this year. He was moving on those bases like I never seen before. He was actually challenging the pitcher. He showed more confidence on the bases than ever. Thanks for your work.”
Tricia Spach, Parent:
“Our daughter began working out at Advanced Athlete in April 2007. Within two months, she experienced gains in her core strength and stability, her balance, and her explosiveness as a competitive swimmer, runner, and as a soccer player. Specifically, we saw dramatic improvements in her explosiveness off the swim blocks, in her turns, and in her sprints, which were significantly faster than last year and continued to improve as she continued working in the gym. Our daughter’s speed, balance, and aerobic capacity also significantly improved as a result of her gym training. On the soccer field, she is stronger and faster and she has better balance-a critical aspect of an agility based sport like soccer. Perhaps the biggest benefit from Advanced Athlete strength training has been in our daughter’s confidence. Whether she is playing competitive soccer, swimming competitively, or running, she approaches all these sports with physical confidence, which has, lead to improved mental confidence and focus. Best of all, Advanced Athlete has fostered in our daughter a life-long love of exercise, strength training, and fitness.”
Coach Bill Stubbs, Professional Hitting Instructor/Scout:
“Whenever I have a Blue Chip Athlete that needs to gain strength, speed or power, I automatically refer them to Coach Potts. He delivers.”
James Clifford, former Husky Linebacker, currently Strength and Conditioning Coach for the Seattle Mariners Minor League System:
“I worked with Dan in the off-season throughout my Husky Football career. I can’t say enough about his understanding of the needs of the advanced athlete. If you’re truly serious about your particular sport, you need to give him a call.”
Ryan Riley, Tampa Bay Devil Rays Minor League System:
“I came to Dan Potts as a recommendation from my Hitting Coach. Dan totally changed my attitude regarding functionally correct conditioning for athletes. In fact, now that I am a pro, the strength coach for my organization is showing me movements and talking training philosophy that Coach Potts started years before anyone else. He is way ahead of his time. If you are a baseball Athlete, you need to get to him . . . . NOW!”
Dr. Richard E. Marks, MD, Neurology:
“Since 1978 I have personally witnessed Coach Potts train hundreds of elite athletes, and have always been impressed by his professionalism and expertise. His knowledge of Body Mechanics, Functional Strength, and Sports Nutrition will give any athlete Dan works with a leg up on the competition.”
Teresa Wippel, Parent:
“Time and again, I have seen Dan Potts’ focus on core strength and conditioning produce long-lasting improvements in young athletes, including my own two kids. As a parent, I appreciate the fact that Dan is more than an athletic trainer: He is a trusted mentor and role model who connects with young people and keeps them motivated to excel. I attribute much of my kids’ athletic success to the Dan and his program.”
Mark Minckler, Seattle Rainiers:
“Every year Dan Potts works with my teams in the off season. He not only offers a unique system of conditioning, but he also has a way of relating to each and every athlete he coaches. This year Dan will be working with all of my teams.”