How do you want to show up for your future self?
This has been an unprecedented and overwhelming year. Even as we move into winter, Covid is not letting up. Our lives have been compromised by the significant consequences of this pandemic and we all feel the cumulative and collective stress and worry. We’ve figured out various ways to cope this year, and with good reason to do so; if a pandemic doesn’t give us license to do whatever we have to do to keep our chin above water to get through this, then nothing does! Consider what habits you have leaned into this year as a survival mechanism. Are you overeating? Drinking too much or too often? Not exercising enough…
Back to Basics with the Whole 30 Diet
For those of us looking to meet our health and fitness goals there are many eating plans from which to choose. Take your pick! Paleo, Vegan, Mediterranean, Whole30, DASH, Raw, Keto . . . to name just a few. Each plan comes with its own set of promises of what you will accomplish through it . . . and plenty of limitations and restrictions. One factor that everyone can agree on, however, is that it is beneficial to eat more fruits and vegetables. (However, the quantity and type of fruit and vegetable is still up for much debate depending on the diet.) With our busy lives, it is far too…
Instant Pot Tips for Beginners
Recently I’ve seen a lot of posts by people underwhelmed or overwhelmed by the Instant Pot which is a bummer because it’s an incredible device. Although I am most definitely still a beginning user, I’m hoping I can help a few newbies with some things that I wish I had known when I got my Instant Pot!
Holiday Event Survival Guide
Has anyone else noticed that the holiday season starts earlier and earlier each year? I’m not even talking about the Christmas stuff already on sale at Costco! Although Christmas and Thanksgiving are still firmly ensconced in December and November respectively, it seems there are plenty of reasons to gather with friends and family to eat and drink excessively as soon as fall arrives. Events such as attending a Husky or Seahawks game, watching sports at home or at someone else’s house, birthday parties, and more are just some of the gatherings I’ve recently found myself at. And we’ve not even purchased our Halloween candy yet and the invites have yet…
‘Your parents are cool’
My parents recently visited for three weeks. And they stayed at my house the entire time! In their defense, it was only supposed to be two weeks. This is still a stretch for me, considering how small my house is and how important my downtime in my own space is for me. But my parents were coming all the way from New Zealand—not just to visit me but to also spend some time with Eric, my boyfriend who they had only met once before—so I was very happy to make it work. I just don’t see them that often anymore. I’m in the age range where parents start dying. Recently,…
31 Days of New Year’s Fitness Inspiration
Water–an essential weight loss tool. Make it a habit, bring it with you. Hydrates, filling, ice cold burns more calories. A little goes a long way. Take the stairs, park farther away, eat a bit less each meal, skip that final drink. It adds up. I once knew someone who lost 60lbs and kept it off by eating just 50% of her meals, without fail. Smaller portions work. You will have to deny yourself something at some point. Stay focused on what you want to accomplish. Discomfort will pass. Set & focus on a specific goal. “I want to lose weight” is not as effective as “I want to fit…
Practicing Thankfulness
As the hustle and bustle of the holiday season kicks into full gear, it’s easy to get overwhelmed and stressed out and eat and drink too much. This is normally a great topic to write about at this time of year. But in the wake of the events in Paris last Friday it seems pretty meaningless. I am reminded at times like this (particularly with Thanksgiving almost upon us) how much we have to be thankful for and how easy it is to lose sight of that just living our lives. There is so much to be grateful for! If you are reading this on a tablet, smartphone or computer…
Simple Nutrition Tricks For Weight Loss
If you’re like most people, you want to lose weight. It’s a pretty normal desire, and one that is simultaneously motivating and debilitating. We’re surrounded by endless sources of information that tell us to eat this not that, this study says this, this study says that, if you just do this you’ll lose that, if you don’t do this you won’t lose that. It’s confusing and wearying yet each time another study or article catches our eye, we hope that this will be the one that has that magic piece of information that will make the weight loss happen, or happen quicker, or happen easier. Weight loss is something you…
Got Mindset?
There is only one thing that stands between getting fit and healthy and not getting fit and healthy: making up your mind. After fifteen years as a trainer and coach, I can assure you that I am not exaggerating the importance of your mindset. It’s the crucial foundation of every fitness-related accomplishment. Once you’ve decided—and I mean really decided—to make changes in your life, it will happen. The motivation comes from making that decision.
For Health & Fitness in the New Year Consider Lifestyle Changes, Not Resolutions
Are your New Year resolutions implemented by now? You’re feeling determined, maybe to hit the gym every day, stick to a diet, or give up alcohol, gluten, dairy, sugar or something else for a while. You’re not alone. Funny how the gym that was so empty in December is suddenly so crowded! It’s natural for so many of us who have over-indulged in food and drink during the holiday season to want to start the next year fresh, get healthier, get stronger or lose the holiday pounds (and more!) And we all should! However, well-intentioned resolutions don’t often translate into action and therefore positive results over the long term. Recently…